
Curtin Institute of Radio Astronomy works with a diverse range of scientists and engineers, resulting in our team being awarded accolades within their field of research.

Ms Pikky Atri

Ken & Julie Michael Prize 2020 –
Ms Pikky atri

Awarded to Pikky Atri for her respective PhD research.

Mengyao Xue

Ken & Julie Michael Prize 2019 –
Ms Mengyao Xue

Awarded to Mengyao Xue for her respective PhD research.

Dr Samuel McSweeney

ExxonMobil Student Scientist of the Year 2019 Finalist – Dr Samuel McSweeney



Dr Samuel McSweeney

Ken & Julie Michael Prize 2018 – Dr Samuel McSweeney

Awarded to Dr Samuel McSweeney for his respective PhD research.

Mr Ryan Urquhart

ExxonMobil Student Scientist of the Year 2018 Joint Winner – Mr Ryan Urquhart

Associate Professor Cathryn Trott

Project Leader A/Prof. Cathryn Trott awarded 2018 Future Fellow prize.

Congratulations to A/Prof. Cathryn Trott for becoming a 2018 Future Fellow. These highly competitive 4-year fellowships are awarded to mid-career researchers in fields of “critical national importance”, and encourage the retention of top rated researchers within Australia.

Further information about the fellowship can be found here.

Dr Natasha Hurley Walker

Young Tall Poppy Award 2017 – Dr Natasha Hurley-Walker

Dr Natasha Hurley-Walker was named the 2017 WA Tall Poppy of the Year for her work in Radio Astronomy and her work with the Murchison Widefield Array.

Dr Ben McKInley

Dr Ben McKinley was awarded the ARC DECRA Fellow in 2015

In 2015 Dr Ben McKinley was made an ARC Discovery Early Career Researcher Award (DECRA) Fellow for research he begun at the University of Melbourne, and continues here at Curtin University. It is a prestigious 3 year award aimed at supporting Australia’s early-career researchers, by providing both personal and project funding for diverse career pathways.

Further information about the fellowship can be found here.

Dr Thomas Russell

ExxonMobil Student Scientist of the Year 2015 – Dr Thomas Russell